Antje Majewski: My ancestors on my father’s side lived in what is now Poland. Grandfather Majewski moved from Züllichau / Sulechów to Berlin and became a National Socialist musician. Poland and Germany – two countries that have had such a violent history – are both today members of the EU. I feel very strongly that our interest in politics should be transnational. This is why I chose to start a dialogue with Ewa and Karolina when I was asked to contribute to the theme of “Late Polishness.” It developed very naturally into a decision that this involvement should be more than just a theory.

Akcja Ekologów z Greenpeace przeciwko masowej wycince drzew znanej jako 'Lex Szyszko'. Warszawa 2017

Drzewo jabłoni posadzone przez mieszkańców Łodzi i aktywistów Fundacji Transformacja w ramach projektu: Jabłko. Introdukcja. Ciągle i ciągle od nowa, Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi, 2015. Za uprzejmością Antje Majewski

Karolina Majewska: It started with a tree. Although it’s not only about our environment. It is, most of all, about relations between people. And we do not want to leave the world in the greedy hands of angry irresponsible men.

I met Antje to talk about another project, but we started discussing Polish politics. Antje showed me an image of a tree that she planted in Poland. I showed her Szyszko in a carriage. Below is a selection of images that we googled during our conversation.

Hubertus Węgrowski 2013, fot. Michał Kurc AFRP. Za uprzejmością artysty

Hubertus Węgrowski 2013, fot. Michał Kurc AFRP. Za uprzejmością artysty

Hubertus Węgrowski 2013, fot. Michał Kurc AFRP. Za uprzejmością artysty

Hubertus Węgrowski 2013, fot. Michał Kurc AFRP. Za uprzejmością artysty

Hubertus Węgrowski 2013, fot. Michał Kurc AFRP. Za uprzejmością artysty

Drag Hunting in Węgrów, Poland 2013, photo: Michał Kurc AFRP. Courtesy of the artist

Hubertus Węgrowski 2013, fot. Michał Kurc AFRP. Za uprzejmością artysty

Ewa Majewska: I spoke with Antje a lot about politics, she was so eager to join Razem right from the beginning - she wanted to know about the party, and hearing about our politics – of the new, progressive, feminist, socialist, yet anti-authoritarian agenda of our party, she had always wanted to be a part of it. Karolina was also super keen on Razem, and we also spent time discussing the party’s policies, its resistance to assimilation and Razem's efforts to build “another style of politics.” The accidental connection through our family names makes us natural allies in this effort of transformative, transversal, feminist political alliance, for which Razem seems like a perfect institutional space, which could perhaps also open as a possible international to all those who are searching for progressive politics.

Antje Majewski to Ewa Majewska, cc Karolina Majewska

Dear Ewa,

I would like to know if it is possible for me to join Razem? As a non-Pole? Krzysztof Gutfrański asked me contribute something to an upcoming issue of Obieg magazine, under the theme of “Late” or rather “New Polishness.”

I think the best answer I could provide would be if Karolina and I could join Razem at the same time, and could print the official documents as an answer to the question of “Late Polishness”...

We have been discussing this for some time and I think it is really about time to take transnationality seriously, just as Rosa (Luxemburg) would have wanted. What is going on in Poland is also my problem.

So, it would of course not only be an “art” piece, but I seriously would like to be a member. I haven’t really found a German party where I would fit in, so why not start with a Polish one?

What do you think?

All the best, Antje

Karolina Majewska to Ewa Majewska, cc Antje Majewski

Dear Majewskas,

This actually solves my biggest dilemma related to whether to “join or not to join?” I’ve always hesitated feeling that I have sort of no right to get involved in Polish politics since I do not live there – I chose not to live there right now. I was even wondering if I should join some German party – but there is no German “Razem.” In this constellation – my problem doesn’t exist anymore.


Ewa Majewska to Antje Majewski, cc Karolina Majewska

Dear Antje and Karolina,

I am happy and delighted that you want to join the party, this is great news. This should be easy – you have to contact Razem Berlin – our branch in your city, and they will guide you.

There is one problem however – caused by the Polish law that pertains to political parties, not by Razem, which is that only Polish citizens can be full members in political parties registered in Poland. Therefore – as a non-Polish citizen, you will be given the status of “sympathizers,” or something like that, not full membership (Karolina, I am not sure about your citizenship, but this is how Antje will be registered).

I hope it will all work out, you should also contact Razem Berlin,

"Razem Berlin" <>

They meet at a Polish bookstore.

Hugs and greetings!

Karolina Majewska to Ewa Majewska, cc Antje Majewski

Thank you Ewa!

Last evening we agreed that Polish politics is really our common problem. I wonder what do you think, Antje, about becoming a “sympathizer”?

Antje Majewski to Ewa Majewska, cc Karolina Majewska

Dear Ewa, Karolina and Magda,

So yes, I would like to become a “sympathizer.”

I am really happy to become, even a minor, part of Razem. Since I have seen the face of the Polish Minister of the Environment, who allowed trees to be cut, I think it is a very urgent matter for me as a German citizen. Rivers, ground water, and air know no borders. The trees that are cut in Poland also diminish the oxygen in Germany. Also I’d like to continue to travel to Warsaw without having to go through passport control and when I arrive to find a city that is energetic and young as it has been over the last few years. I want the Polish government to spend more valuable Polish taxpayer’s money on my strange projects about mines and apple trees. I want the people that could invite me to take part in these types of projects to stay in their offices and keep running the best art institutions in Poland, where I also want all the important and wonderful artists that I know in Poland to make exhibitions of “weak avant-garde” artworks, and Ewa to become a professor in Queer and Feminist Philosophy at Warsaw University.

So, my joining Razem is selfishly motivated!

Please accept my application…

All the best, Antje

Antje Majewski to Razem Berlin, cc Karolina Majewska

Dear Razem Berlin,

I was wondering if I could join Razem officially in some way? I am a German citizen with some Polish ancestry and I am very interested in all the current political developments in Poland. I have many Polish friends, among them my close friend Ewa Majewska, who has already told me a lot about your activities.

I feel that in these times, it would be good to get involved in a more transnational way. I have already heard that full membership is not possible, if I don’t have a Polish passport. But is there something else that would make me an official supporter?

I would also like to know when you have meetings in Berlin, and if the discussions are all in Polish (unfortunately I don’t speak Polish).

Thank you very much for your answers!

All the best,
Antje Majewski

Razem Berlin to Antje Majewski

Dear Antje,

Thank you a lot for your e-mail and interest in Razem! We're glad you'd like to get involved.

It's true, full membership is not possible because according to Polish law, only Polish citizens can become members of Polish political parties. However, you can become an official supporter (“sympathizer”), which will give you a chance to participate in our activities and have more impact on the party's decisions. To do so, you'd need to fill in the declaration (attached, together with the English translation). The declaration you'd need to hand over to one of the members of Razem Berlin board in person.

In Berlin, there are around 50 people associated with Razem, both members and official supporters. We meet regularly (every week or two weeks) and our meetings are usually held in Polish. I'm sure though that someone will be happy to help you as a translator if you decide to join us :) We are also planning to have more meetings also for non-Polish speakers and I will be happy to keep you informed concerning them.

Here's also a link to Razem's Program Declaration in German:

Hope to see you soon,
Weronika Pomorska
Razem Berlin Board

Karolina Majewska to Antje Majewski

Hi Antje,

I don’t know if you have received a response from Razem’s Berlin branch yet.

There is a meeting on Sunday 02/04 at 17.00 at

Klubie Polskich Nieudaczników (Ackerstr. 168)

I will be there to sign my declaration – if you find the time – please join me.


From: Razem Berlin
Sent: 22 March 2017 21:30
Subject: Re: członkostwo

Droga Karolino,

Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie Partią Razem – to świetnie, że chcesz się zaangażować i pomóc! Tylko w ten sposób można coś zmienić :)

W Berlinie już prawie od dwóch lat działa zagraniczny okręg Razem. Spotykamy się regularnie i działamy, często wspólnie z innymi organizacjami, zarówno polskimi, jak i niemieckimi.

Jak do nas dołączyć? Wystarczy, że przyjdziesz na spotkanie i podpiszesz deklarację członkowską (przesyłam w załączniku). Wcześniej warto zapoznać się ze statutem partii oraz z naszą deklaracją programową.

Najbliższe spotkanie Razem odbędzie się 2 kwietnia (niedziela) o godzinie 17:00 w Klubie Polskich Nieudaczników (Ackerstr. 168). Będzie to wykład prof. Andrzeja Nowaka pod tytułem "Handlarze wątpliwości, siewcy strachu - nauka, technika i lęki":

Szkolenie ma na celu ukazanie, w jaki sposób wzbudzanie lęków i rozsiewanie wątpliwości wobec takich kwestii, jak GMO, szczepienia czy globalne ocieplenie, jest sposobem na uprawianie polityki. Poruszymy także niezwykle istotną kwestię: a mianowicie, że dziś wyzwaniem jest zarówno postawa krytyczna (rozumiana tu jako tradycyjna praca lewicowa), jak też umiejętność demaskowania pseudokrytyki i trików owych siewców wątpliwości.

Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz na stronie wydarzenia na Facebooku.

Zapraszamy serdecznie!

Jeśli nie dasz rady dotrzeć 2 kwietnia, daj znać – wyślę Ci informacje o kolejnych spotkaniach. Polecam też zajrzeć na stronę Razem Berlin na Facebooku – stamtąd dowiesz się więcej o aktualnych wydarzeniach, które organizujemy i w których uczestniczymy.

Pozdrawiam serdecznie,
Weronika Pomorska
w imieniu Zarządu Okręgu Razem Berlin

Translation of the Razem Berlin letter to Karolina Majewska:

Dear Karolina,

Thank you for your interest in the Razem Party – it is great, that you want to join and help! That's the only way to change anything :)

Since almost 2 years we have a Berlin branch of Razem. We meet regularly, and we are mobilizing, often with other organizations, both Polish and German.

How to join us? Its enough to come to our meeting and sign a declaration of entry (attached to this email). You should also read our policy document and program declaration.

The next Razem meeting will take place on the 2nd April (Sunday) at 5 pm, in the Polish Failure Club, (Ackerstr. 168). It will be a lecture of prof. Andrzej Nowak „Dealers of doubt, makers of fears – science, technology and fears”.

This lecture will show, how the enhancement of doubts in such questions, as GMO, vaccinations or global warming is a way of making politics. We will also discuss another important issue: that today the critical perspective (understood as traditional leftist work) is as necessary as the ability to undermine pseudo-critique and tricks of those, who spread fears.

More info on our Facebook profile.

Please feel welcomed!

If you cant join us on the 2nd April, let me know, I will send you info on future meetings. Also do visit our Facebook Berlin Razem profile – you will find more info on current initiatives and activities.

Best greetings,
Weronika Pomorska
on behalf of the Berlin Razem Headquarters.

W dniu 22 marca 2017 15:07 użytkownik <> napisał:

Dzień dobry,

Chciałabym dołczyc do Razem - czy mogalbym otrzymac formularz mailem?


[end of the message]

Antje Majewski to Razem Berlin

Dear Weronika Pomorska,

Thank you very much for your kind and helpful answer! I would be happy to come to a meeting after mid-May, because before that I will be travelling in Cameroon. I have already attached my letter of support and will be happy to hand it in, in person, in May. I will come with my friend Karolina Majewska (no family relation, as far as we know : )) and I am sure she can help me with the language. Of course, I would also be interested in knowing more about an English, or German-speaking mini-group.

I read your declaration and I fully support it.

Thank you and all the best, Antje

Berlin, 20.3.2017
(city, date)

Declaration of a Razem Supporter (Sympatyk)

After reading the charter and the program declaration, I declare my intention to become an official supporter of the Razem party. By signing this declaration, I commit myself to follow the ideals and the program of Razem, to respect the decisions of the party authorities and its charter.

Signed, Antje Majewski

Źródło: materiały Razem


Antje Majewski, born 1968 in Marl [DE], lives in Berlin and Himmelpfort [DE]. She is an artist who works with painting, video, texts, and performances to explore anthropological and philosophical questions. Her recent work focuses on questioning objects, territories and plants, and exploring alternative knowledge systems and storytelling as well as the possibility of transformative processes. She studied art history, history and philosophy in Cologne, Berlin, and Florence from 1987 to 1995, and has been professor of painting at Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel, Germany since 2011.
Since 2009, her works takes the seven objects of her “Gimel World” as a point of departure, and are accompanied by complex research. Majewski often collaborates with other artists and ecological and urban groups, and has also curated exhibitions. Important presentations of her artwork include, among others, exhibitions at CCA Tel Aviv, IL (2016); Museo Helio Oititica, Rio, BR (2016); Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL (2016); Museum Abteiberg, Möchengladbach (2015); neugerriemschneider, Berlin (2015, 2011 et al.); Muzeum Sztuki, Łódz (2014) and more. Selected publications include: Apple. An Introduction (Over and over and once again) / Der Apfel. Eine Einführung (Immer und immer und immer wieder), edited by Aleksandra Jach, Antje Majewski, Amy Patton, Joanna Sokolowska and Susanne Titz, Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach (Berlin / New York: Sternberg Press, 2016); Antje Majewski: Der Meteorit / The Meteorite (Heidelberg: Heidelberger Kunstverein, 2014) and more.

Dr Ewa Majewska is a feminist philosopher of culture. She was a visiting fellow at the University of California, Berkeley (BBRG), a stipendiary fellow at the University of Orebro (Sweden), IWM (Vienna) and ICI Berlin, she is currently affiliated with the ICI Berlin and works as adiunkt professor at the Department of Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw, Poland. She is the author of three monographs, co-editor of four volumes on neoliberalism, politics and education; she published articles and essays in: "Signs", "e-flux", "Nowa Krytyka", "Przegląd Filozoficzny", "Przegląd Kulturoznawczy", "Kultura Współczesna", "Le Monde Diplomatique" (PL) and multiple collected volumes. Her main focus is weak resistance, counterpublics and critical affect studies.

Karolina Majewska-Güde is a researcher, writer and curator. She graduated in Art History from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and in Visual Histories from Goldsmith College, London. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Art and Visual History at Humboldt University of Berlin completing a dissertation on Ewa Partum’s artistic practice. Her main research interest remains in the field of institutional history of art practices and objects, the question of interpretative present and historical alterity of art objects and methodology of transnational feminist art history and critical cartography. She is the Head of Archive at Artum Fundation ewa partum museum. Member of AICA.

Photo: An apple tree planted by the citizens of Łódź and Foundation Transformacja during the project: Apple Over and Over and Once Again. Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, 2015. Courtesy of Antje Majewski